Axon Ivy Projects can be seen as development modules that encapsulate the processes and other artifacts that form an application. An Axon Ivy project roughly comprises of processes, User Dialogs, Data Classes, a Content Management System and various configurations. All of those aspects are explained in separate chapters of this document.
Projects can be reused, i.e. any project can depend on functionality which is implemented by another project. Projects that implement reused functionality and/or artifacts are called required projects with respect to the project that makes use of that functionality. The latter is in turn called the dependent project* with respect to its required projects.
Once you have finished your development you will usually want to install the implemented application or workflow on an Axon Ivy Engine. Projects form the single unit of deployment for this purpose, i.e. you deploy each project into a container on the engine which is called process model version. A project may be deployed in multiple versions on the engine; each process model version therefore contains a snapshot of a project at a specific point of time in development. See chapter Deployment for more information on this topic.
The data that specifies a project’s deployment information is contained in the project’s Project Deployment Descriptor. The deployment descriptor (formerly known as library) specifies all of the required projects and the specific versions in which they must be present on the engine in order for the deployed project to work. The descriptor also defines an unique deployment ID and the development version of a project (not equal to the process model version), as well as some information about the project provider and a description of the project itself.
On the engine, a project in a specific development state/version corresponds to a process model version, as explained above. On the engine, all the deployed versions of a project are children of a process model container (which corresponds to the project as an entity without a specific version). The process models themselves are part of an application (see chapter Deployment for a more thorough explanation).
In the Designer, projects may only exist in one version at a given point of time. Projects are created and organized inside an Eclipse workspace. Roughly, on the Designer, the workspace corresponds to the application on the engine. Since projects can only exist in one version on the Designer, there is no process model equivalent necessary in the Designer.
When working on a project, which depends on other projects, then the required projects need to be present as well in the Designer, which means that they must be present in the current workspace. Otherwise dependencies cannot be resolved and reused artifacts are not available, which will prevent the application from running.