Licensing your Engine

Getting a License

To run the Axon Ivy Engine in production mode you need a license, which you can apply for via your Axon Ivy Partner or Axon Ivy Sales Representative. You need to provide

  • the Axon Ivy Engine major version (e.g 8, 10, 11)

  • the Axon Ivy Engine edition

  • the number of named users

  • the number of concurrent users

  • the public URLs of your trial engine

  • for clusters only, the number of nodes

for each license. These inputs are detailed below.


Choose between Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition. If you expect high loads or need increased reliability, you should look into the Enterprise Edition. It allows running the Axon Ivy Engine in a cluster. The maximum number of nodes in the cluster is part of the license.

Named Users

Registered users within an Axon Ivy Engine are called named users (NU). These users have an account in the Axon Ivy Engine and thus can log in to the Axon Ivy Engine. User accounts are managed per security system. One user can have multiple accounts on a single Axon Ivy Engine, at most one per security system. Accounts in different security systems on the Axon Ivy Engine with the same user name count as one named user. Deactivated users, administrators and the system user do not count as named users. All of this also applies to users on a cluster.

Concurrent Users

The number of users concurrently working on the Axon Ivy Engine is known as concurrent users (CU). The Axon Ivy Engine counts the number of concurrent users as follows:

  • Every session of every user counts as one concurrent user.

  • The system session is not counted as a concurrent user, as all sessions for all administrator users.

  • Sessions (non-System sessions) created to call WebService Processes or Event Bean Processes are created at the start of the process and are destroyed after the execution of the process. These sessions are counted as described above while they exist, i.e. during process execution.

  • Since 10.0.3: Anonymous sessions do not count as concurrent user.

This also applies to clusters.

Public URLs

Public URLs are the links that end users will use to access your Axon Ivy Engine or Cluster.


Let’s assume your Axon Ivy Engine is installed on a machine with the DNS name axonivyprod. Users access the Axon Ivy Engine in two different ways:

  • Intranet users use http://axonivyprod:8080 to access it.

  • Internet users use to access it through a reverse proxy.

  • Administrators access the Axon Ivy Engine with an IP Address

In this case, the license has to contain three public URLs:

  • axonivyprod



Note: Access via localhost, and ::1 is always possible and is not included in the license.

For clusters, the Public URL of the load balancer in front of the cluster has to be in the license. If you need to access the cluster nodes separately (internally), have their IP addresses or DNS names added to the cluster license.

Installing your License

There are several ways to install your license.


For Containers, all your options for providing the license to the container are described in License.

Debian, Linux, and Windows

For “traditional” server installations, your options to install a license are:

  • copy the license to the configuration directory of the engine. The demo license demo.lic is in this directory, but the engine skips this file when searching for a license. Put only one non-demo license into this directory to ensure proper operation.

  • upload the license using the engine cockpit.


    You can either drag and drop the license, or select its location using the button + Choose License.