3rd Party Integration


The basic idea of integrate Axon.ivy with 3rd party systems is either to invoke an operation on a foreign system out of an ivy process (call) or to have a remote system that invokes an operation in Axon.ivy (being called). There are several options to implement such an integration. This chapter will give you an overview.

Java Interface

The generic approach to integrate 3rd party system with an ivy process is the usage of the Axon.ivy Java interface. The Java interface is provided in following process elements:

“Program Start”

Triggers the start of a new process upon an (external) event.

“PI (Programming Interface) Step”

Executes generic Java code - which may interact with a foreign system.

“Wait Program Intermediate Event ”

Interrupts process execution until an (external) event occurs.

“Call & Wait ”

Basically a combination of the PI and Wait process elements.


A simple way to integrate Axon.ivy is the usage of an external database. From an ivy process, database contents can be read/written by “DB Step ” or by using JPA.

Web Services

SOAP based web services are often used to integrate various systems together. The tooling of Axon.ivy makes the integration of remote web services very easy and intuitive. There is no need to care much about the technical details behind the scenes.

Call a remote Web Service

To call a remote web service it has to be registered in the “Web Service Clients Editor”. Just add a new web service entry, enter the WSDL URI and generate a client that can be used later on in your process.

After that a “Web Service Call Activity” can be used to call the remote web service. Sending data from your business process to the remote service and the integration of returned data from the service is easy. It works like other well known data mapping tables.

Provide a Web Service for third parties

If you need to expose an interface to your application for third parties, you can provide it as SOAP web service.

To define a new web service interface, add a new process of type Webservice to your project. Define the supported parameters by configuring the “Web Service Process Start” event. Now you can implement the business logic of the web service just a simple as any other process flow.

Once the service is implemented. Start the process engine and hit the link to the WSDL service definition. Share this WSDL with the third party that is interested in your service.

Getting started

Have a look at our video tutorials to see web service integrations in action.

If you are looking for web service integration examples with Axon.ivy, have a look at the ConnectivityDemos sample project in the Designer.

REST Services

REST (representational state transfer) is an architectural style based on resources to provide inter-system communication.

The Java API specification for RESTful Web Services is called JAX-RS. It provides portable APIs for developing, exposing and accessing Web applications designed and implemented in compliance with principles of REST architectural style.

Axon.ivy uses the reference implementation libraries of JAX-RS called Jersey.

Call a remote REST Service

To call a remote REST service it has to be defined in the “REST Clients Configuration”. After that a “REST Client Activity” can be used to call the REST service.

Examples can be found in the ConnectivityDemos project which is packed with the Axon.ivy Designer. It is located under [DesignerRoot]/applications/samples/ConnectivityDemos.iar.

Provide own REST Services

To provide a custom REST services from an ivy project, JAX-RS annotations can be used. A REST resource is created by adding a Java class to the src directory. The Java class has to use the correct annotations (as shown below), then it will be detected as REST resource and published automatically. After publishing, the resource will be available on the base path /ivy/api/.

 * Provides the person REST resource 
 * on the path /ivy/api/myApplicationName/person
public class CustomProjectResource {
	public Person get() {
		Person p = new Person();
		return p;


To call a modifying REST service via PUT, POST or DELETE the caller needs to provide a HTTP Header called X-Requested-By with any value e.g. ivy. This is the Jersey provided protection of REST services against cross-site request forgery (CSRF). If the CSRF header is not provided on a modifying REST request the request will fail with an HTTP Status 400 (Bad Request).

User provided REST services via GET, HEAD or OPTIONS should therefore be implemented in a way that they don't modify data.

Further information is available in the JAX-RS API Specification. If you are looking for a sample about how to use JAX-RS in an ivy project, you can study the ConnectivityDemos sample project in the Designer.

Workflow API

Axon.ivy provides a basic Workflow API REST Service. It can by used to enable remote systems to request information about tasks of a user etc.