System Database Conversion

It is highly recommended that you back up your system database before the conversion.

Setup Wizard / Engine Cockpit

Step 1

Start the Axon.ivy Engine and open the Setup Wizard. Switch to the System Database page. A message will be shown that the current database is outdated.

Step 2

To automatically convert your old system database click the Migrate Database button. A dialog appears asking for confirmation.

Confirm the dialog and the system database will be converted automatically. The next attempt to connect to the now converted database will succeed.

Auto Convert Property

Instead of using the Engine Configuration Tool to convert the system database you can also set the autoConvert property in the ivy.yaml to true in the configuration directory. Then the system database will be converted automatically on the next engine start.


Depending on the conversion steps and your database system it may be necessary to cut all connections to the system database to avoid problems. If you have problems with the conversion, please disconnect all other database management tools, clients or other tools that has a connection to the system database and try again.